Product list Portable vibration meter, Multi-channel vibtation monitor,
Non-contact type vibration meter, Non-contact type vibration monitor,
Telemeter temparature/torque measuring system, L-PON Doctor
Characteristic 1. Vibration monitoring systems under low temperature environments including vibration sensors, vibration monitors, and other instrumentation parts are adopted at many LNG plants in Japan and abroad.
   LNG plant
[Product details]

[IECEx certified products]

2. Telemeter temparature measuring system for gasification melting furnace is adopted at many dioxin-free garbage disposal facilities.

   Instrument room
[Product details]
[Product details]

3-1. [L-PON DOCTOR] can constant monitoring of pump in LNG/LPG tank and can predict the pump lifetime. This makes it easier to grasp the inspection and replacement timing of the pump and it is possible to reduce the maintenance cost.

L-PON Doctor [Catalog]  


3-2. We have developed [L-PON DOCTOR Wireless] that can transmit pump vibration wirelessly. Vibration monitoring and pump maintenance can be realized without wiring between control rooms.

    New products
L-PON Doctor

4. We remake a portable vibration meter that can measure middle-range vibration with a one-touch operation. By using a high precision analog meter than before, you can easily grasp the behavior of details of the vibration.

Inquiries about products are here

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